Facts About the Lavender Albino Ball Python

Facts About the Lavender Albino Ball Python

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If you would like to own an extraordinary pet, you must know that only a cat or a dog cannot give you the same satisfaction like a Lavender Albino Ball Python does. It is indeed a great reptile which can really impress even the most competitive pet lovers out there. This kind of pet is considered to be one of the rarest breeds of pets around the globe. These pets have the ability to change colors depending on the lighting at the time of day. They are also said to be non-aggressive pets which is a very encouraging factor for first time pet owners who would like to own one.

However, these pets are not cheap at all. In fact, they are more expensive than the average snake species which are available in pet shops. Some people are under the impression that they are not as demanding as corn snake morphs but this is far from the truth. If you plan to buy one of these pets, there are a few things that you need to take note of before making the final decision.

The first thing you need to understand is that they are not the cheapest pets to buy. They require adequate care and maintenance from their owners. When buying these kinds of expensive pets, it is essential that you keep in mind how much you can spend on their care. As compared to the normal common domestic pets, a lavender albino ball python is more expensive. Therefore, it is important that you do not settle for cheap ones when looking to buy one of these expensive pets. Since they are rare, if your budget allows you to get a pet of this kind, you have to be extra careful and buy one that is of good quality and origin.

Before buying a lavender albino ball python, you need to know some information about them. The most common characteristics of these snakes include their bright yellow spots, which can vary in size from as small as half a millimeter to one inch. Their scales can also be thick and smooth with small holes and fissures. They also have tiny pincers that are used to grasp their prey or strike it away.

Aside from their bright yellow spots, they also have black and brown streaks on their skin and body. When these colored patterns are combined with the ragged breathing, you will clearly see that the snakes are breathing through their mouth. These features, together with its large mouth, make it easier to spot the lizards in hiding. Also, their red eyes give them the appearance of glowing in the dark as they move around in the night.

Because of its unique features, the lavender albino ball python is often classified as a rare carnivore or even a nocturnal species. Its size is between twelve to fifteen inches long. Although they usually eat small animals, they also eat other kinds of soft food like worms or carrion. Their diet depends on the time of the year since they take care of their young during the night. In addition, you can find this beautiful snake in many private breeding centers where it can be raised in captivity.

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