Yes, dogs can, but the main question is can dogs eat skittles or can dogs just have skittls? In theory skills can be a great source of protein for pets, and often contain lots of essential vitamins. However, skills can only be consumed by any dog on a fairly regular basis; otherwise they will become malnourished and unhealthy. It is recommended that pets should not eat skittls for any longer than needed for their health.
To determine if a dog can eat skittled treats, check to see if the ingredients label on the bag states that they are made with ‘hydrolysed vegetable fats’. If this is the case then your pet can enjoy the occasional treat. There are many ‘pet friendly’ products which are made with all natural ingredients which you can find in your local pet store or supermarket. Many of these treats have been created specifically so that pets can enjoy the taste of these foods as well.
Another question that you might have is can dogs really have sugar in them. There are many different types of sugar that can be found in different brands of pet treats, but as far as a healthy option for your dog goes, it’s probably a better idea to go with natural sugar such as brown rice instead of the cheaper white rice. Brown rice is slightly healthier and usually has fewer carbohydrates, which can help your dog stay healthy and fit. You may also want to consider making your own dog treats at home. For instance, you can make a ‘sugar cookie’ which is fairly easy to do and doesn’t use any cooking skills whatsoever. Just mix the flour, sugar (white or brown), baking soda, corn syrup, food coloring, lemon juice and water to make your very own ‘sugar cookie’.
There are many different flavors that you can find for dogs to enjoy, so take some time to look around and see what’s out there. You can get cookies, candies, plain flavor, chocolate and even fruit flavors. One thing that you should remember is that just because a dog likes one flavor doesn’t mean that it will like the other. So don’t assume that just because your dog loves a particular flavor, then that’s the only one that he will eat. You might have to experiment a little bit to find out what he actually likes. If you can’t find what he prefers, then you can always try a few different ones on him until you find the right combination.
Skittles can actually be a healthy treat for your pet. Just like any other type of candy treats, they provide your pet with a burst of energy. Because dogs are creatures of habit, this can be a welcome thing. However, just like with any other kind of treat or food, you should be sure that your dog isn’t getting a large amount of one kind of food. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find that some people give their dogs small amounts of just about anything. If this happens to you, be sure to get your dog checked out by a veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent serious problems from occurring.
As you can see, skittled candies can actually be a healthy treat for your pets. They are very low in fat, sweet and high in calories. They also have a nice high level of natural sweetness, which dogs seem to love. Just be sure to give your dog only the amount he needs, and don’t give him too much of the bad stuff, such as excess sugar or xylitol.