Hamsters Eat Celery

Hamsters Eat Celery Because It’s Good For Them

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Yes, hamster can eat celery; it’s perfectly safe for them too to eat it but just in moderation. Many hamster keepers are still finding out which food is safe for their hamster and if in doubt, hamster owners are advised to always put in a little extra effort in finding out what they can eat and what they can’t. For instance, some hamster keepers may find it safe to feed their pets cooked celery to get them used to a large amount of protein. Others however may wonder if it would be healthy for their pets to eat such a thing. It all depends on what your hamster’s needs are and what their weight is, among other things.

Hamsters can definitely enjoy having fresh fruits and vegetables as part of their diet but what the owners need to know is that they can have the same diet but in a much more limited way. Hamsters can be omnivores; they can eat both plant-based and animal-based foods. They can also enjoy cooked eggs, whole grains, fresh vegetables, meat, milk and fish, depending on how healthy they can get. For those with very small houses, feeding their pets with a simple hamster ball can help them turn into an all-around omnivore.

As far as foods that the pets can get that are a bit more substantial, fresh vegetables like broccoli and carrots are a good source of fiber for the hamster. In fact, they can be given enough fiber by using a wheel to give them fresh vegetables. However, the fiber can get dished out faster in this manner and hamster owners are advised to make sure that they have plenty of time to feed the animals as their diets need to be balanced every so often. If you can’t do this, the d is may be a good alternative because it will still provide a continuous flow of fresh vegetables.

As far as fruits go, apples are a great source of antioxidants for the hamster. This is the same reason why the hamster eats them so often. The antioxidants found in apples and carrots are good for the nervous system and the brain and these are two important organs that the hamster needs.

Of course, a good source of fiber comes in the form of lettuce. This vegetable offers the hamster all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need in a nice, healthful snack. In order to get the best results from this vegetable, however, you should not add too much salt and pepper or you’ll marinate your veggies instead of tasty bites. This is the best way to get your vegetables balanced and ready to serve.

Finally, one other food that is a good source of vitamins is carrots. In fact, carrots can be used as a staple part of a hamster’s diet. You can mash them up into a tasty treat, or you can add them to a number of other veggies. Either way, you should never feed a hamster raw carrots. Vitamins and nutrients can help the hamster maintain a healthy nervous system and a strong immune system. That means staying healthy inside and out.

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