Do you know that what most guinea pigs eat depends on where they live? This is because their diet greatly varies depending on the area where they live. The table scraps of their owners and the crumbs that they eat from the table are just a few of their daily meal options. But do you really know that what these pets eat is very important for them? If you want to give your pets healthy and appetizing meals then you need to understand what they should eat.
No, guinea pigs can’t overeat sugar. Overeating can harm the health of your pet. But as what everyone knows, there are always sweets to give to our pets. Anything beyond that which is safe for them can be extremely dangerous for them. Therefore, it is important that you cut sweets out of your piggy’s menu of choice.
Yes, that is why you never feed them sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of calories and fat. That is why you should avoid feeding your pets with such desserts. You can also choose to feed your pigs hay, but only once a day. Hay contains natural vitamins and minerals, which can help maintain the proper balance of electrolytes.
Parsley is rich in vitamin c. Unlike other herbs, parsley is rich in vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient. Some studies claim that vitamin c can heal wounds, prevent infections, and protect against cancer. That’s why you should include this herb in your pigs’ diet. And since its bitter taste makes it less attractive to pigs, you can feed it in small amounts.
Although it is rich in vitamin C, parsley is bitter, which makes it unsuitable as a source of supplement. However, its high iron content can help prevent anemia. Since it is rich in both calcium and iron, it can be beneficial in preventing bone diseases, especially among herbivores. So, it can be added to the diet of herbivores, but only once a day.
It is never advisable for you to give your pet’s antibiotics. As mentioned earlier, these medicines can seriously harm your pets. In addition, there are some herbs that have strong antiseptic properties, which can also harm your pets. The best way to prevent your pets from getting sick is by providing them with a clean and healthy environment. So, never feed your pigs antibiotics.